What do structural engineers do?

maintain a level of competency Page5

What do engineers do? | page 22 | consulting engineers | keeping up to date | Areas of Specialization | maintain a level of competency | Ethics of using computer software | computer software | The work of a civil engineer page8 | 1960 engineering syllabus page 9 | What work do electrical engineers do?p10 | 1960 engineering syllabus page 11 | 1960 engineering syllabus page 12 | 1960 engineering sylllabus page page13 | 1960 engineering syllabus p14 | 1960 engineering syllabus page15 | 1960 engineering syllabus page16 | 1960 engineering syllabus page17 | page 18 | Page19 | employment opportunities Page 20 | page21

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Current Researches

Study and research areas in Structural Analysis, Mechanics and Computation include the analysis of complex and nonlinear structures; finite element methods; computational and applied mechanics; structural dynamics and vibration control; wind and earthquake engineering; computer-aided design and expert systems.

While research topics in Structural Design and Materials include advanced and low-cost construction materials; analytical and experimental methods for concrete technology, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures, and steel structures; earthquake and wind-resistant design of structures; building and bridge engineering, fire protection technology

Professional Engineers practioners need to continue their education to document the practioners maintenance of a level competancy

One of the responsibilities of the civil engineer is to achieve and maintain a level of competency consistent with public safety


Information about the work that civil engineers do