What do structural engineers do?

1960 engineering syllabus page 11

What do engineers do? | page 22 | consulting engineers | keeping up to date | Areas of Specialization | maintain a level of competency | Ethics of using computer software | computer software | The work of a civil engineer page8 | 1960 engineering syllabus page 9 | What work do electrical engineers do?p10 | 1960 engineering syllabus page 11 | 1960 engineering syllabus page 12 | 1960 engineering sylllabus page page13 | 1960 engineering syllabus p14 | 1960 engineering syllabus page15 | 1960 engineering syllabus page16 | 1960 engineering syllabus page17 | page 18 | Page19 | employment opportunities Page 20 | page21


Part I-Machines

Kinematics: ReJative velocity and acceleration diagrams. Epicyclic

gear trains. Gyroscopes.

Balancing: Rotary and reciprocating balancing, direct and reverse cranks.

Mechanical Vibrations: Free, viscous damped and forced vibrations,

whirling of shafts.

Automatic Control: Governors, gravity and spring types. Modes of control,

system response.

Part 11-Fluid Mechanics

Momentum of Fluids-fixed and moving jets, general momentum theorem.

Flow in Closed Conduits-Reynold's experiments. Friction factor and

other losses.

Dimensional Analysis and Similarity. Boundary Layer Theory. Separation,

form and profile drag. Wing theory. Compressible Flow. Rotodynarnic

Machinery: Pumps, fans, turbines, fluid couplings and torque converters.

Lubrication and bearings.


Statistics: Frequency distribution. Distribution of means, confidence levels

and tests for significance. Probability theory.

Operational Research: Origins and history of. General principles and

techniques as applied to mancgement; mathematical programming;

queuing theory; Monte Carlo and simulation; network analysis, etc.



Information about the work that civil engineers do